Berømte vikinge-knogler (gen)fundet
Forskere fra Nationalmuseet har (gen)fundet berømte vikingeknogler, der har været forsvundet i 100 år. De stammer fra et af de vigtigste vikingefund: Mammen-graven ved Viborg.
Forskningen blev offentliggjort d. 4. maj på Cambridge University Press:
Lost and found: Viking Age human bones and textiles from Bjerringhøj, Denmark. The nineteenth-century excavation of the Bjerringhøj mound, at the village of Mammen in Jutland, recovered one of the most iconic Danish Viking Age burials. The site is particularly notable for the discovery of an iron axe decorated with silver inlay, after which the Viking Age ‘Mammen style’ is named. The human remains recovered from the famous Bjerringhøj Viking Age burial in Denmark have been missing for more than 100 years. Recently, an assemblage of bones resembling those recorded at Bjerringhøj—some with adherent textiles—were discovered in a misplaced box in the National Museum of Denmark.